Ba Creative Writing Curriculum Courses

Bison icon - General Education Course

Mortarboard Icon - Milestone course: a key success marker for your major. See your advisor to discuss the importance of this course in your plan of study.


The Core Curriculum is designed to foster critical thinking skills and introduce students to basic domains of thinking that transcend disciplines. The Core applies to all majors. Information on specific classes in the Core can be found at

Course List
Code Title Credit Hours
Core Curriculum
Core 1: Critical Thinking
FYS 100 First Yr Sem Critical Thinking 3
MTH 121Bison imageCap graduation image Concepts and Applications (CT) 3
Critical Thinking Course 3
Core 2
ENG 101Bison imageCap graduation image Beginning Composition 3
ENG 201Bison imageCap graduation image Advanced Composition 3
CMM 103Bison imageCap graduation image Fund Speech-Communication 3
MTH 121Bison imageCap graduation image Concepts and Applications (CT) 3
Core II Natural/Physical Science 4
Core II Humanities 3

ENG 200Bison image

Texting the World(CT) (recommended)
Core II Social Science (Milestone course) 3
Core II Fine Arts 3
Additional University Requirements
ENG Writing Intensive
ENG Writing Intensive
Multicultural or International
ENG 499Bison image Senior Capstone (not offered in summer) 3
Foreign Language 101 3
Foreign Language 102 3
Foreign Language 203 3
Foreign Language 204 3
COLA Humanities 3
COLA Literature 3
COLA Literature 3
COLA Social Science 3
COLA Social Science 3
COLA Social Science 3
COLA Natural/Physical Science 4
COLA International 3
COLA Multicultural 3
ENG 350Cap graduation image Intro to Textual Analysis (must be taken within the first 9 hours of coursework within the major) 3
ENG 355Cap graduation image Intro to Critical Theory (not offered in summer) 3
ENG 360 Intro Creative Writing 3
ENG 499Bison image Senior Capstone (not offered in summer) 3
Contemporary Literature 3
Choose one of the following:

ENG 424

American Literature after 1914

ENG 432

Contemporary Literature

ENG 433

20th C Brit & Irish Poetry

ENG 434

20th C American Poetry

ENG 480

Special Topics

ENG 481

Special Topics

ENG 482

Special Topics

ENG 483

Special Topics

ENG 485

Independent Study

ENG 486

Independent Study

ENG 487

Independent Study

ENG 488

Independent Study
ENG Level 400 Literature Elective
Select one of the following: 3

ENG 409


ENG 410

Shaks Comedy Tragedy & Rom

ENG 411


ENG 412

Shaks Hist & Tragedies

ENG 414

19th C British Novel

ENG 415

Victorian Poetry

ENG 416

Victorian Nonfiction

ENG 418

Addiction Literature

ENG 421

American Lit to 1830

ENG 422

American Lit 1830-1865

ENG 423

American Lit 1865-1914

ENG 424

American Literature after 1914

ENG 427

Studies in Authors or Genre

ENG 428Bison image

International Literature

ENG 430Bison image

Young Adult Literature

ENG 432

Contemporary Literature

ENG 433

20th C Brit & Irish Poetry

ENG 434

20th C American Poetry

ENG 435


ENG 436

Medieval British Lit

ENG 440

Selected Topics in Film

ENG 442

Gender and Sexuality in Film

ENG 447

British Romantic Poets

ENG 450

World Lit to Renaissance

ENG 451

World Lit Since Renaissance

ENG 455

Advanced Critical Theory

ENG 469

Teaching Creative Writing

ENG 470

Form/Theory: Creative Writing

ENG 480

Special Topics

ENG 481

Special Topics

ENG 482

Special Topics

ENG 483

Special Topics

ENG 485

Independent Study (when so designated by Chair)

ENG 486

Independent Study (when so designated by Chair)

ENG 487

Independent Study (when so designated by Chair)

ENG 488

Independent Study (when so designated by Chair)
Creative Writing Sequence
Choose 6 hours from the following, and then 3 hours in an additional genre: 9

ENG 377

Creative Writing Poetry

ENG 491

Poetry Workshop

ENG 378

Creative Writing Fiction

ENG 492

Fiction Workshop
Creative Nonfiction:

ENG 379

Creative Writing: Nonfiction

ENG 493

Creative Nonfiction
ENG 469 Teaching Creative Writing 3
or ENG 470 Form/Theory: Creative Writing
English Electives (choose from any 200-, 300-, or 400-level ENG class) 6
Free Elective
Free Elective 3
Free Elective 3
Free Elective 3
Free Elective 3
Free Elective 3
Free Elective 1

Major Information

  • The total number of free electives will depend on the amount of double and triple counting of requirements. Core II and COLA requirements may not be double counted.
  • See course attributes each semester for courses that meet multiple requirements.
  • Questions about requirements should be directed to your English Department advisor (304-696-6600) or to the College of Liberal Arts (304-696-2350).
  • Students must earn a C or better in ENG 201 Advanced Composition, all ENG courses for the major, and all foreign language courses.
  • Forty-eight credit hours (sixteen 3-hour courses) must be at the 300/400 level.
  • Minimum of 120 hours to graduate.
  • No more than six hours of ENG courses at the 200-level may count toward the BA degree in English. No credit hours in ENG with a grade lower than C may count toward the BA degree in ENG.
  • Creative Writing majors who carefully select courses can earn a double major in Literary Studies by taking only 4 additional Literary Studies classes. Meet with your advisor to plan your choices!

Bison icon - General Education Course

Mortarboard Icon - Milestone course: a key success marker for your major. See your advisor to discuss the importance of this course in your plan of study.

Four Year Plan

A Creative Writing degree can give you the critical thinking, writing, and presentation skills you'll need for success in this quick and quickly-changing world. Our program is flexible, so you can pursue a wide range of interests. Our courses give you the ability to think differently, to expand on and augment the ideas and work made in all fields, not just literature. Where you go from here is up to you (though we've got some ideas for you). But our courses are designed to hone not just your writing, but your thinking skills, too. Our faculty and staff are dedicated. All this to say, really, we plan on preparing you for a successful professional life as well as an invaluable way of thinking, about everything.

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
First Semester Credit Hours
ENG 101Bison imageCap graduation image Beginning Composition 3
FYS 100 First Yr Sem Critical Thinking 3
Core II Social Science 3
COLA Social Science (Milestone course) 3
CMM 103Bison imageCap graduation image Fund Speech-Communication 3
UNI 100 Freshman First Class 1
Credit Hours 16
Second Semester
Core II Humanities 3

ENG 200Bison image

Texting the World(CT) (recommended)
ENG 201Bison imageCap graduation image Advanced Composition 3
Core I Critical Thinking 3
MTH 121Bison imageCap graduation image Concepts and Applications (CT) 3
Core II Fine Arts 3
Credit Hours 15
Second Year
First Semester
ENG 350Cap graduation image Intro to Textual Analysis 3
Core II Physical/Natural Science 4
Foreign Language 101 3
ENG 360 Intro Creative Writing 3
Multicultural or International 3
Credit Hours 16
Second Semester
ENG 355Cap graduation image Intro to Critical Theory 3
COLA Social Science 3
COLA International 3
Foreign Language 102 3
ENG Creative Writing Sequence 3
Credit Hours 15
Third Year
First Semester
ENG Level 400 Literature 3
Select one of the following: 1 3

ENG 469

Teaching Creative Writing
Free Elective 3
ENG Creative Writing Sequence 3
Foreign Language 203 3
Credit Hours 15
Second Semester
ENG Creative Writing Sequence 3
COLA Physical/Natural Science 4
COLA Social Science 3
Foreign Language 204 3
Select one of the following: 2 3

ENG 470

Form/Theory: Creative Writing
Credit Hours 16
Fourth Year
First Semester
ENG English Elective 3
ENG Contemporary Literature 3
COLA Multicultural 3
COLA Humanities 3
Free Elective 3
Credit Hours 15
Second Semester
ENG 499Bison image Senior Capstone (C) 3
ENG English Elective 3
Free Elective 3
Free Elective 3
Credit Hours 12
Total Credit Hours 120

Ba Creative Writing Curriculum Courses


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