Christmas Creative Writing Ideas Middle School

December Writing Prompts

December Writing Prompts and Creative Journal Ideas

Creative Writing Ideas and Journal Topics For:
Winter, Christmas, and December

December Creative Writing Prompts For Elementary School Teachers and Students blue bullet point Winter and December Writing Prompts: Are you looking for a creative list of writing prompts and journal ideas to use during the month of December?

blue bullet point Below, you will find a list of general December writing topics and a list of specific calendar dates for December which contain creative writing ideas related to that particular date in December.

blue bullet point I have created this list of Christmas and December writing prompts and ideas for elementary school teachers and students, but many of these creative writing ideas and topics would also be appropriate for other grade levels.

blue bullet point You will find some Christmas and December writing prompts below that contain underlined links. If you click on an underlined link:

  • You will be directed to another page on Unique Teaching Resources that contains detailed lesson plan ideas and printable worksheets for those December writing prompts.
  • You will be directed to another website that contains useful information related to those particular December writing prompts.

Snowflake Line

General Christmas and December Writing Prompts:

  • Write a letter to Santa describing someone that you know who has been very good and kind this year.
  • Christmas Wreath Creative Writing TemplatesWrite about one of your family's holiday traditions. Describe it in detail, tell how you feel about it, and what this tradition means to you.
    • These wreath shaped creative writing templates can be used for many of the December writing prompts that are found on this page.
    • Click on the link below to view the page where these wreath templates can be found:
      Winter Wreath Creative Writing Templates
  • Pretend that you have just given Santa a mobile phone, laptop, or Ipad. Explain to Santa how this new technology will help him and save him a lot of time.
  • Winter Tree Creative Writing TemplateDecorating the Christmas tree
    • These tree shaped creative writing templates can be used for many of the December writing prompts that are found on this page.
    • Click on the link below to view the page where these tree templates can be found:
      Winter Tree Creative Writing Templates
  • If you were a Christmas tree, how would you want to be decorated?
  • What do you enjoying doing during your winter holiday?
  • We should have the Christmas spirit all year round.
  • You go to the mailbox and find that Santa has written you a letter. Write a letter from Santa to yourself.
  • Rudolph's nose was green!
  • Winter Creative Writing WorksheetMy vacation at the North Pole
    • These winter wonderland creative writing worksheets can be used for many of the December writing prompts that are found on this page.
    • Click on the link below to view the page where these winter printable worksheets can be found:
      Winter Wonderland Printable Worksheets
  • Draw a map from the North Pole to your house. Then, write the directions in a paragraph.
  • Describe your new job as an elf at the North Pole.
  • Write a paragraph describing what this holiday phrase means to you: "Peace on Earth, Goodwill to Men."
  • What are your wishes for the world this holiday season?
  • Write an unselfish letter to Santa, asking him to bring a needed item to a friend or family member.
  • 3D Three Dimensional Present and Gift Box Project"The best gifts are gifts from the heart." What does this phrase mean to you?
    • These 3D Box creative writing templates can be used for many of the December writing prompts that are found on this page.
    • Click on the link below to view the page where these gift box templates can be found:
      3 Dimensional Present Project: "A Gift From the Heart"
  • If I could give a Christmas gift to the world, it would be ...
  • How to wrap a Christmas present.
  • The best present that I ever gave to someone ...
  • Presents should not be important on Christmas Day.
  • It is better to give than to receive. Describe a time when you did something thoughtful for someone or gave a person a thoughtful gift.
  • This holiday season I plan to do something helpful to others. My plan is ...
  • Penguin Creative Writing WorksheetPretend that you are a penguin who loves to "tweet." Write 5 tweets describing what it is like to live Antarctica.
    • These penguin creative writing worksheets can be used for many of the December writing prompts that are found on this page.
    • Click on the link below to view the page where these winter printable worksheets can be found:
      Penguin Printable Worksheets
  • The adventures of having a penguin as our family pet
  • Frosty The Snowman WorksheetThe day Frosty the Snowman met Rudolph
    • These snowman creative writing worksheets can be used for many of the December writing prompts that are found on this page.
    • Click on the link below to view the page where these winter printable worksheets can be found:
      Snowman Printable Worksheets
  • The Abominable Snowman is an ape-like creature said to inhabit the Himalayan regions of Nepal and Tibet. Write a story about seeing the Abominable Snowman.
  • School has been cancelled for the day because of a snow storm. What would you like to do during this unexpected day off from school?
  • The gingerbread man jumped out of the oven and...
  • Pick three New Year's Resolutions. Describe why you picked them and how you will accomplish them.
  • Design your own Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or New Years card.

Snowflake Line

Specific December Writing Prompts:

Celebrations, Events, Holidays, and Dates in History:

Scroll through this page, or click on the links below, to read
about each of these December writing prompts and holidays.

  • Late November to Late December - Hanukkah
  • December 1 - Rosa Parks
  • December 5 - Mozart's Birthday
  • December 5 - Walt Disney's Birthday
  • December 7 - Letter Writing Day
  • December 10 - Nobel Peace Prize Award Ceremony
  • December 21 or 22 - Winter Solstice/First Day of Winter
  • December 25 - Christmas
  • December 26 - January 1 - Kwanzaa

Late November to Late December - Hanukkah

Hanukkah Writing Prompts and Lesson Plan Ideas blue bullet point Hanukkah is a Jewish holiday that is celebrated for eight days and nights. The first day of Hanukkah falls on a different day each year because the Jewish calendar is lunar based. This holiday usually occurs between the end of November and the end of December.

blue bullet point The Menorah, or candle holder, is an important part of the tradition of Hanukkah and it is why this holiday is often referred to as the Festival of Lights. Hanukkah is celebrated with the lighting of the menorah, spinning the dreidel, and eating traditional foods such as latkes (potato pancakes).

  • Research Hanukkah and write about why it is often referred to as "The Festival of the Lights."
  • Have the students create a poster about Hanukkah and how the holiday is celebrated.
  • Create a venn diagram highlighting the differences and similarities between Hanukkah and Christmas. What are the rituals surrounding each holiday?
  • Visit Wikipedia's Hanukkah Page to learn more information about this holiday.
  • On Chanukah you will find information about the history of Hanakkah, the menorah, recipes, and craft ideas for this holiday.

December 1 - Rosa Parks

Rosa Parks December 1, 1955 blue bullet point On December 1, 1955 in Montgomery, Alabama, Rosa Parks refused to obey a bus driver's order that she give up her seat to make room for a white passenger.

blue bullet point Rosa Park's quiet and courageous act of defiance became an important symbol of the Civil Rights Movement and the resistance to racial segregation. She has been nationally recognized as the "mother of the modern day civil rights movement" in America.

  • How did Rosa Parks show that she was courageous?
  • Have your students respond to this quote from Rosa Parks: "I have learned over the years that when one's mind is made up, this diminishes fear; knowing what must be done does away with fear."
  • What is the bravest thing you have ever done? Include details about the event and why you think you were brave.
  • Visit Wikipedia's Rosa Parks Page to learn more information about her.
  • Students can read a biography and watch a video of Rosa Parks on the Rosa Parks Biography Page.
  • Students can complete an individual or group project about Rosa Parks using my Character Body Book Report Templates or my Biography Book Report Newspaper Templates.
  • My School Bus Book Report Templates could easily be adapted to write a report about Rosa Parks. Your students will enjoy designing a project about Rosa Parks using these unique templates.

Rosa Parks Lesson Plans and Project Templates

  • Show your students The Rosa Parks Story starring Angela Bassett. Below is a trailor for this movie.

  • Below is a short video about the life of Rosa Parks from the Biography Channel.

December 5 - Mozart's Birthday

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Birthday December 5 Lesson Plans and Writing Prompt blue bullet point Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born on December 5, 1756 in Salzburg, Austria. He began composing his own music at the age of five and toured Europe as a concert pianist at age six.

  • What would it be like to be famous at an early age?
  • If you could be proficient at playing any one instrument, what instrument would you choose? Explain why.
  • What is the most beautiful piece of music that you have ever listened to?
  • Show your students the movie Amadeus.
  • Reality shows such as American Idol, America's Got Talent, and The X Factor have inspired many people to audition for these music shows. Write a story in which you go to audition for one of these shows.
  • Visit Wikipedia's Mozart Page to learn more information about this famous composer.
  • Play a piece of Mozart's music for your students and have them write about how it makes them feel and the images this piece of music creates in their minds.
  • Below is a You Tube video where students can listen to Mozart's Piano Concerto No. 21.

December 5 - Walt Disney's Birthday

Walt Disney's Birthday December 5 blue bullet point Walter Elias Disney was born on December 5, 1901 in Chicago, Illinois. Walt Disney is a famous American film producer, director, screenwriter, voice actor, animator, and theme park creator.

blue bullet point Walt Disney is best known as the creator of Mickey Mouse and the founder of Disneyland and Walt Disney World.

blue bullet point In the late 1940s, Disney first drew sketches of his ideas for an amusement park where he envisioned his employees spending time with their children. His original idea expanded in concept and eventually became Disneyland, which first opened in 1955.

  • Share these quotes by Walt Disney with your students and have them choose one to respond to in writing:

    • All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.
    • If you can dream it, you can do it.
    • It's kind of fun to do the impossible.
    • The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique.
    • The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.
    • There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate's loot on Treasure Island.
    • When you're curious, you find lots of interesting things to do.
    • I have been up against tough competition all my life. I wouldn't know how to get along without it.
  • What would it be like if Walt Disney was your father or grandfather?
  • When the Disneyland first opened, it consisted of five themed areas:

    1. Main Street, U.S.A. (an early 20th century Midwest town based on Walt Disney's childhood)
    2. Adventureland (featuring jungle themed adventures)
    3. Frontierland (illustrating the western frontier)
    4. Fantasyland (bringing fantasy into a reality)
    5. Tomorrowland (looking into the future)
  • Pretend that you worked for Walt Disney in 1955 and write an idea for a 6th themed area for Disneyland. Describe the theme for this area and the rides and buildings that would be included in this new area of Disneyland.
  • Visit Wikipedia's Walt Disney Page to learn more information about this famous man.
  • On Just Disney students can read a biography and view photographs of Walt Disney.

December 7 - Letter Writing Day

Letter Writing Day December 7 blue bullet point December 7 is Letter Writing Day. Letter writing is fast becoming an almost lost skill. Most letters that are written today are e-mails and now even shorter messages (called instant messages) have become a very popular form of communication.

  • Do you think that handwriting should still be taught in school now that most correspondence is done on a computer? Write an essay supporting your opinion.
  • Hand-write a letter that you will actually mail to a friend or relative. Bring this letter home tonight and mail your letter to this person.
  • Thanks to innovation (from the Pony Express to auto-trucks to airmail to email) the speed with which the mail is delivered has improved year after year for the past two and a half centuries. In your opinion, what are the pros and cons of these improvements?
  • Interview a parent or grandparent and ask them how the practice of writing handwritten letters has changed from when they were a child to now.

December 10 - Nobel Peace Prize Award Ceremony

Nobel Peace Prize Ceremony December 10 blue bullet point The Nobel Peace Prize Award Ceremony takes place on December 10 in Oslo, Norway each year.

blue bullet point The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded each year on this day to people who have made the most valuable contributions to the good of humanity.

blue bullet point The Chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee presents the Nobel Peace Prize in the presence of the King of Norway on December 10 each year, which is the anniversary of Nobel's death.

  • You have been selected to receive this year's Nobel Peace Prize. Why have you been selected as this year's recipient?
  • If you could award this prize to someone that you know, who would you select and why?
  • Research a past winner of The Nobel Peace Prize and write a short summary about this person and his or her achievements.
  • Visit Wikipedia's Nobel Peace Prize Page to learn more information about the history of the Nobel Peace Prize.
  • More information about the Nobel Peace Prize can be found on this page: Nobel
  • Visit Video Lectures from Nobel Peace Prize Laureates to watch videos of past winners of the Nobel Peace Prize.

December 21 or 22 - Winter Solstice/First Day of Winter

Winter Solstice December 21 First Day of Winter blue bullet point The winter solstice usually occurs on December 21 or 22 each year in the Northern Hemisphere and on June 20 or 21 in the Southern Hemisphere.

blue bullet point The winter solstice occurs on the shortest day and the longest night of the year. This is when the sun's daily maximum elevation in the sky is the lowest.

  • What is your favorite winter activity that involves snow and why?
  • What would it be like if it was winter all year long?
  • On Understanding the Winter Solstice For Kids you can learn more information about the first day of winter.

December 25 - Christmas

Christmas Writing Prompts and Lesson Plans blue bullet point Christmas is a Christian holiday that is celebrated on December 25 by people around the world to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ. The word Christmas originated as a compound meaning "Christ's Mass."

blue bullet point This holiday is now celebrated by an increasing amount of non-Christians and Christmas symbols now include Santa Claus, reindeer, and stockings.

  • Christmas Day is celebrated as a major festival and public holiday in many countries around the world. On Christmas Celebrations Around The World or North Pole Christmas Around The World research how another country celebrates Christmas and write a short report about what you learned.
  • Visit Wikipedia's Christmas Page to learn more information about the history of this holiday.
  • You can find a large list of Christmas and December writing prompts at the top of this page.
  • I've created a variety of templates and lesson plans for Christmas and winter. You can view them here: Winter Teaching Resources

December 26 - January 1 - Kwanzaa

Kwanzaa Writing Prompts and Lesson Plan Ideas blue bullet point Kwanzaa is a week long celebration which honors African-American heritage and culture. This holiday was started in 1966 by Dr. Maulana Karenga, a professor at the California State University and it is observed from December 26 to January 1.

blue bullet point The name Kwanzaa comes from the Swahili phrase "matunda ya kwanza," meaning first fruits of the harvest. Kwanzaa features activities such as lighting a candle holder with seven candles and ends with a feast and gift giving.

blue bullet point There are seven principles of Kwanzaa, one for each of the 7 days of Kwanzaa: unity, self-determination, collective work and responsibility, cooperative economics, purpose, creativity, and faith.

  • Research the Seven Principles of Kwanzaa and design a card or poster that features one of the principles.
  • A mkeka is a special place mat used during Kwanzaa ceremonies and it has three colors: black, red, and green. The stripes represent tradition, history, and the future. Have your students design a mkeka and write about what each stripe symbolizes to them.
  • On Kwanzaa you will find information about the 7 Principles and Symbols of Kwanzaa, as well as recipes and craft ideas for this holiday.
  • Visit Wikipedia's Kwanzaa Page to learn more information about this holiday.

End of December Writing Prompts

Snowflake Line

Free Download #1:

December Calendar Set (Christmas Theme)

My free December calendar set is designed to fit inside monthly calendar pocket charts that many teachers use. The calendar pieces can also be displayed on a classroom bulletin board.

This December calendar set contains the following printable worksheets:

Christmas and December Printable Monthly Calendar

Above: The large December calendar title is a 2 page banner.

Christmas and December Printable Worksheets Calendar

Above: This printable calendar set for December includes large days of the week templates for the 7 days of the week.

Christmas and December Printable Calendar For School Teachers

Above: This free December calendar set includes smaller pieces for the 7 days of the week that will fit inside your calendar pocket chart.

There are 31 square calendar number dates in this teaching resources set.

There are squares for you to print and write your students' names and birthdays on.

There are 11 printable worksheets in this free teaching resources set.

Download this free Christmas calendar set from Unique Teaching Resources.  Perfect for pocket charts!

Click the link below to download this free December calendar set.

Click Here ===> 12 Free Printable Classroom Calendars

Note: On the above page, you will find links to download all
12 of my FREE classroom calendar sets for January - December!

Snowflake Line

Free Download #2:

December Calendar Set (Winter Tree Theme)

Below is a second December calendar set.
I have designed this calendar with a winter theme.

December Printable Monthly Calendar

December Printable Worksheets Calendar

December Printable Calendar For School Teachers

Download this free December calendar set from Unique Teaching Resources.  Perfect for pocket charts!

Click the link below to download this free December calendar set.

Click Here ===> 12 Free Printable Classroom Calendars

Note: On the above page, you will find links to download all
12 of my FREE classroom calendar sets for January - December!

Snowflake Line

Below are some ideas and examples of teaching resources
that can be used for some of the Christmas and December
writing prompts that are found on this page:

How The Grinch Stole Christmas - by Dr. Seuss

Lesson Plans For How the Grinch Stole Christmas by Dr. Seuss Dr. Seuss is one of the most popular children's authors of all time and his Christmas story featuring The Grinch is a favorite of both kids and adults. His message that "Maybe Christmas," he thought "doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more." is timeless.

After you have read your students this story, they will enjoy completing a fun activity related to Dr. Seuss' book. I have created a flip booklet and I designed the templates for this unique project in the shape of the Grinch's head.

How the Grinch Stole Christmas Bulletin Board Display Banner

How The Grinch Stole Christmas Dr. Seuss Student Project Templates

Your students will enjoy creating their own Grinch flip books using these fun and unique Grinch templates.

This set of resources includes first draft worksheets, Grinch flip book templates (shown above), a 5 page bulletin board display banner (shown above), a crossword puzzle, rhyming word puzzle, and maze worksheet.


Click below for more information about:
How The Grinch Stole Christmas

Christmas Carol Wreath Project

A Christmas Carol
by Charles Dickens

6 Wreath Templates
Group Project

Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens Lesson Plans

Wreath Creative Writing Templates For A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

Christmas Carol Wreath Projects

There are 6 wreath templates in this resource set: Jacob Marley's Visit, Christmas Past, Christmas Present, Christmas Yet To Come, Scrooge Before, and Scrooge After


Click below for more information about:
Christmas Carol Wreath Projects

Christmas Carol Scrooge Project

A Christmas Carol
by Charles Dickens

Ebenezer Scrooge
Character Body Project

A Christmas Carol Ebenezer Scrooge Character Project

Ebenezer Scrooge Christmas Carol Project

Ebenezer Scrooge Character Body Book Report Project

For this group or individual project, students design a character body for Scrooge. Students choose colorful adjects that describe Scrooge and write a character description for him.


Click below for more information about:
Christmas Carol Scrooge Projects

Snowman Writing Templates

Winter Snowman Projects and Creative Writing Templates

Snowman Shaped Creative Writing Templates for Winter Themes

Your students will discover that writing is "snow" much fun with these unique snowman templates. These creative writing templates will make a brilliant winter bulletin board display!


Click below for more information about:
December Writing Prompts
Snowman Creative Writing Templates

A Gift From the Heart - 3D Box

Box Project - Gift From the Heart

3D Three Dimensional Fun Student Project

Your students will write about gifts from their hearts and create 3 dimensional gift boxes using these unique 3D projects. December is an ideal time to use this activity.


Click below for more information about:
December Writing Prompts
A Gift From the Heart

Winter Wreath Templates

Winter Wreath Projects and Writing Templates

Winter Wreath Creative Writing Templates and Worksheets

Your students will enjoy writing winter stories inside these wreath templates. These unique oval shaped project templates will help you design an eye catching winter bulletin board display!


Click below for more information about:
December Writing Prompts
Winter Wreath Templates

S.N.O.W. Globe Templates

SNOW Acrostic Poem and Bulletin Board Display Banner

Winter Snow Acrostic Poem and Poetry Templates

This S.N.O.W. acrostic poem is designed inside a snow globe template. There are separate templates for girls (shown here) and boys. Your students will enjoy these fun winter poetry lesson plans.


Click below for more information about:
December Writing Prompts
S.N.O.W. Globe Templates

Our Frosty Winter Stories

Our Frosty Winter Stories Bulletin Board Display Banner

Our Frosty Winter Stories Printable Worksheets for Language Arts

These snowman language arts worksheets are ideal for a wide range of creative writing topics and will make a colorful winter bulletin board display.


Click below for more information about:
December Writing Prompts
Our Frosty Winter Stories

Penguin Chill Out Stories

Winter Penguin Stories Bulletin Board Display Banner

Winter Penguin Stories Printable Worksheets for Language Arts

You can use these worksheets for a science unit about penguins, a reading response to a story with penguins in it, or as a winter writing assignment.


Click below for more information about:
December Writing Prompts
Penguin Chill Out Stories

Winter Tree Worksheets

Winter Tree Poems Bulletin Board Display Banner

Winter Tree Poems Printable Worksheets for Language Arts

These winter tree creative writing templates are ideal for a wide range of creative writing topics and will make a dynamic winter bulletin board display.


Click below for more information about:
December Writing Prompts
Winter Tree Worksheets

Winter Wonderland Worksheets

Winter Wonderland Creative Writing Bulletin Board Display Banner

Winter Wonderland Creative Writing Worksheets for Language Arts

These winter wonderland language arts worksheets are ideal for a wide range of creative writing topics and will make a colorful winter bulletin board display.


Click below for more information about:
December Writing Prompts
Winter Wonderland Worksheets

Reading Sticker Charts - Winter Themes

Snowglobe Sticker Chart

Winter Snow Globe Reading Sticker Chart Template

Snow Globe Shaped Reading Incentive and Sticker Charts

This "Reading is SNOW Much Fun!" is a unique reading sticker chart set that contains a winter theme.

This set contains 2 snow globe templates: one for boys and another for girls (above). This set encourages students to read 16 books during the winter months of the school year.


Click below for more information about:
December Writing Prompts
Reading Snowglobe Sticker Chart

Penguin Sticker Charts

Penguin Sticker Chart Templates

Penguin Shaped Reading Incentive and Sticker Charts

Encourage your students to "Chill Out With a Good Book" with these cute penguin reading sticker charts.

These penguin shaped reading sticker charts are a fun teaching resource to use to motivate your students to chill out and read during the winter months of the school year.


Click below for more information about:
December Writing Prompts
Penguin Reading Sticker Charts

Sticker Charts - Christmas Themes

Stocking Sticker Chart

Christmas Sticker Chart Templates - Stocking Shape

Christmas Stocking Sticker Charts and Templates for Kids

This Stuff Your Stocking With Stickers incentive chart is ideal to use with your students before Christmas.

These uniquely shaped Christmas sticker charts can be used for a variety of different purposes during the month of December: homework, reading, math, spelling, or good citizenship.


Click below for more information about:
December Writing Prompts
Christmas Stocking Sticker Chart

Christmas Tree Sticker Chart

Christmas Tree Sticker and Incentive Chart

Christmas Tree Sticker Charts and Templates for Kids

Encourage your students to work towards achieving a goal by using these colorful Christmas tree sticker charts.

There are 17 places for stickers on this colorful sticker chart template. These incentive charts will help you to motivate your students to Decorate Their Christmas Trees with stickers this winter.


Click below for more information about:
December Writing Prompts
Christmas Tree Sticker Chart

Fun Powerpoint Presentations:

Wreath of Fortune Homophones

Christmas Santa Homophones Powerpoint Lesson Plan

Christmas Grammar Homophones Powerpoint Presentation

This Christmas Wreath of Fortune Game is named after Wheel of Fortune. Your students will love playing this fun powerpoint game while reviewing homophones!


Click below for more information about:
December Writing Prompts
Wreath of Fortune Homophones

Wreath of Fortune Verbs

Christmas and Santa Verbs Powerpoint Lesson Plans

Christmas Grammar Verbs Powerpoint Lesson Plans

This Christmas Wreath of Fortune Game is named after Wheel of Fortune. Your students will love playing this fun powerpoint game while reviewing present and past tense verbs.


Click below for more information about:
December Writing Prompts
Wreath of Fortune Verbs

Christmas 4 Parts of Speech

Christmas Parts of Speech Powerpoint Lesson Plan

Christmas Grammar Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs Powerpoint Presentation

Your students will love playing this Christmas Who Wants To Be A Millionaire game while reviewing these 4 parts of speech: nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.


Click below for more information about:
Christmas 4 Parts of Speech

Mr. and Mrs. Claus Go Shopping

Christmas Santa Math Powerpoint Lesson Plans

Christmas Math Word Problems Powerpoint Presentation

Students use addition and multiplication to solve these Christmas word problems. This activity involves money, so students are reviewing decimal points and place value as well.


Click below for more information about:
Mr. and Mrs. Clause Go Shopping

Solve Santa's Puzzles

Christmas Powerpoint Presentation Math Lesson Plans

Christmas Math Addition and Subtraction Puzzle Powerpoint Lesson Plans

Students have to solve addition, subtraction, and multiplication equations, using a fun Christmas puzzle style format. There are 5 puzzles in this set of resources.


Click below for more information about:
Solve Santa's Puzzles

Multiplication Incentive Charts and Classroom Displays

Multiplication Chart

Multiplication Bulletin Board Display Banner

Math Multiplication Ice Cream Sticker Charts and Templates

This unique multiplication chart grows in height as your students learn their multiplication facts.

As students learn a new times table, they place an ice cream scoop on top of their cones. When students have learned all of their times tables, they will have 10 (or 12) scoops on top of their cones.


Click below for more information about:
Ice Cream Multiplication Sticker Charts

Multiplication Display Set

Multiplication Classroom Display Set

Multiplication Charts For Classroom

There are 12 multiplication displays in this resource set for the 1 - 12 times tables. The ice cream cones stack on each other to create tall vertical displays.

The cone displays come in a variety of different bright colors and they will create an eye catching math display in your classroom.


Click below for more information about:
Multiplication Classroom Display Set

Word Problems - Key Words

Math Key Words For Word Problems Display

Word Problem Key Words Classroom Display Set Ice Cream Cones

This ice cream classroom display set highlights the key words used for solving addition (shown above), subtraction, multiplication, and division word problems.

These brightly colored ice cream bulletin board sets will make an eye catching word problem display in your classroom.


Click below for more information about:
Key Words For Solving Word Problems

Snowflake Line

Christmas and Winter Lesson Plans for Elementary School Teachers

Click on one of the bottle caps below to view the different categories of
Christmas and Winter Teaching Resources that are available on my website:

More December, January,
Christmas, and Winter Resources:

Click on the graphics below to view each resource.

How the Grinch Stole Christmas Book Cover and Project

Above: Grinch Flip Book Templates
How the Grinch Stole Christmas Lesson by Dr. Seuss

A Christmas Carol Author Charles Dickens Fun Scrooge and Wreath Projects

Above: Ebenezer Scrooge Character Body and Wreath Projects
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

Free Download For December Classroom Calendar Set

Above: Free December Classroom Calendar Display Set

Free Download For January Classroom Calendar Set

Above: Free January Classroom Calendar Display Set

December Writing Prompts

Above: Writing Prompts for December and Christmas

January Writing Prompts

Above: Writing Prompts for January and Winter

Christmas and Winter Lesson Plans, Ideas, and Activities

Click on one of the calendars
below to go to a specific page
of monthly writing prompts:

On these pages, you will find creative writing prompts
that pertain to each month's themes, holidays, and events.

Creative Writing Prompts and Journal Ideas For December

Thank you for visiting my December writing prompts page.

Please be sure to check out the other pages on Unique
Teaching Resources
for a large variety of fun lesson plan activities
that will engage your students in learning and save you valuable time.

Heidi McDonald

Creator and Website Manager
Unique Teaching Resources

Engage Your Students In Learning

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Christmas and Winter Teaching Resources for Elementary School Teachers

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Christmas Creative Writing Ideas Middle School


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